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UPSC Essay Paper 2024

Essay Paper 2024 Mains

निम्नलिखित खण्ड A और B प्रत्येक से एक विषय चुनकर दो निबन्ध लिखिए, जो प्रत्येक लगभग 1000 – 1200 शब्दों में हो :
Write two essays, choosing one topic from each of the following Sections A and B, in about 1000-1200 words each:

(125×2 = 250)

1. जंगल सभ्यताओं से पहले आते हैं और रेगिस्तान उनके बाद आते हैं।
Forests precede civilizations and deserts follow them.

2. भविष्य के साम्राज्य, मस्तिष्क के साम्राज्य होंगे ।
The empires of the future will be the empires of the mind.

3. प्रसन्नता का कोई मार्ग नहीं है; प्रसन्नता ही मार्ग है ।
There is no path to happiness; Happiness is the path.

4. प्रश्न पूछने वाला ही विज्ञान का सच्चा सिपाही है।
The doubter is a true man of science.


5. सोशल मीडिया युवाओं में ‘छूटने का डर’ पैदा कर रहा है जिसके कारण उनमें अवसाद और अकेलापन बढ़ रहा है।
Social media is triggering ‘Fear of Missing Out’ amongst the youth, precipitating depression and loneliness.

6. लगभग सभी मनुष्य प्रतिकूल परिस्थितियों का सामना कर सकते हैं, लेकिन किसी व्यक्ति के चरित्र के परीक्षण के लिए, उसे शक्ति प्रदान करके देखिए।
Nearly all men can stand adversity, but to test the character, give him power.

7. व्यापक परिणाम वाले सभी विचार हमेशा साधारण ही होते हैं।
All ideas having large consequences are always simple.

8. ग़लत होने की कीमत कुछ न करने की कीमत से कम है।
The cost of being wrong is less than the cost of doing nothing.

Which two would you write?


Study Material

Child Sexual Exploitation And Abuse Material

Topic – Vulnerable Section – Children

Source – NEWS18


Context : A recent Supreme Court ruling penalised the possession and storage of child pornography (Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse Material – CSEAM) and sought clarification on how various high courts have interpreted the issue.

Background : The Madras High Court had earlier this year quashed criminal proceedings against a 28-year-old man who had downloaded two child pornographic videos on his phone. The Chennai Police had filed an FIR under Sections 67B of the Information Technology Act and Section 14(1) of the POCSO Act.

Supreme Court Judgement

  • The SC stated that not only physical possession but also “constructive possession”— meaning the power to control the material, combined with knowledge of that control — would fall under Section 15 of the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act, even if the person did not actively produce or distribute the content.
  • The Supreme Court bench, however, observed that the term “child pornography” misnomer does not capture the full extent of crime and can lead to trivialisation of the crime, as pornography can be seen as a consensual act between two adults.
  • It held that possession, storage, and even viewing of CSEAM falls under criminal liability, whether for personal use or commercial purposes.
  • The Court explained that “constructive possession,” where individuals have control over CSEAM without physically possessing it, is punishable under the law.
  • How to Interpret (child sexual exploitation and abuse material) CSEAM
  • The SC ruled that CSEAM more accurately reflects the reality that these images and videos are not merely pornographic but are records of incidents, where a child has either been sexually exploited or abused.
  • The courts from using the term ‘child pornography’ and instead the term Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse Material (CSEAM) should be used in judicial orders and judgments of all courts across the country.
  • Reinforces the POCSO Act as a tool to combat online child exploitation, ensuring stricter penalties. Stresses on victim protection, quick content takedowns and advocating for the psychological well-being of child victims.
  • It also calls for tech platforms to report CSEAM cases, enhancing collaboration between law enforcement and online service providers.

What is Child Pornography?

Any visual depiction of sexually explicit conduct involving a minor (someone under 18 years of age).”

This can include depictions across a number of different media, including:

  • Photographs
  • Videos
  • Digital images or videos
  • Undeveloped film
  • Computer generated images indistinguishable from an actual minor.
  • Key Recommendations to Govt
  • In all judicial orders and legislations term “child pornography” replacing with ‘Child Sexual Exploitative and Abuse Material’ (CSEAM).
  • The court stressed the importance of positive, age-appropriate sex education to prevent harmful sexual behaviour and foster an understanding of consent, helping to deter the consumption and distribution of CSEAM.
  • Social media intermediaries must not only remove CSEAM but also report such content to the local authorities under the POCSO Act.
  • Compliance with the IT Act alone does not absolve their liability.
  • The court suggested raising awareness about CSEAM through public campaigns to destigmatise reporting and increase community vigilance. It emphasized the need for psychological counselling and rehabilitation services for both victims and offenders, including Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) for those involved in CSEAM.
  • What are Constitutional and Legal Provisions Related to Child Protection?
  • Article 15(3): Provides the state with the authority to make special provisions for the protection and welfare of children.
  • Article 21: Right to life and personal liberty, which includes the protection of children from exploitation and abuse.
  • Article 39(e) and (f): Mandates the state to ensure that children are not abused and are provided with opportunities and facilities to develop in a healthy manner, protecting their dignity and freedom.
  • Article 47: Focuses on improving public health, which includes preventing child exploitation and ensuring their welfare.
  • What is POCSO Act?
  • The Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act (POCSO for short) was passed in 2012 to comprehensively deal with the issue of sexual offences against children.
  • POCSO not only spells out the punishments for offences, but also sets out a system for support of victims and improved methods for catching offenders.
  • Under POCSO ‘child’ means any person below the age of 18 years.
  • The child could be male or female. The offender too could be male or female.
  • POCSO is thus a gender-neutral law – the child victim of sexual offence could be a boy or a girl.
  • As for the person who commits the crime it does not matter whether the person is male or female. Both genders are equally punishable for offences under this law.
  • There are 3 broad categories of sexual offences punishable under POCSO:
  • sexual assault
  • Sexual harassment
  • Using a child for pornography.
  • Under POCSO (Protection of Children from Sexual Offences)
  • Section 13: Defines child pornography (now CSEAM) and punishes its production, distribution, and possession.
  • Section 14: Imposes penalties for using a child for pornographic purposes, with increasing severity for repeated offenses.
  • Section 15: Penalises the storage of child sexual abuse material for commercial purposes, ensuring strict consequences for possession or storage.
  • Section 19: Mandates the reporting of offenses under the POCSO Act, making it obligatory for citizens, including tech companies, to report any suspected CSEAM-related activities.


Study Material

Classical Language Status

Source : https://www.business-standard.com/india-news/centre-approves-new-classical-languages-what-is-a-classical-language-124100400289_1.html

Context : Five Indian languages were granted classical language status by the Center. 5 languages; Marathi, Pali, Prakrit, Assamese and Bengali, have been approved as classical languages. The Maharashtra government proposed the recognition of Marathi in 2013. In 2014, Prithviraj Chavan, the former chief minister of Maharashtra, formed a committee of language experts to evaluate the language. The Center received the panel’s report, which verified that Marathi met all the requirements for being recognized as a classical language. 

Six languages, including Tamil (2004), Sanskrit (2005), Kannada (2008), Telugu (2008), Malayalam (2013), and Odia (2014) are already holding the title of “Classical” in India. All the Classical Languages are listed under the 8th Schedule of the Constitution.

What is the Classical language of India?

  • The term “Indian classical languages,” or “Semmozhi,” refers to a group of languages that have a long history and a rich, unique, and distinctive literary legacy. Eleven languages are recognized as the Classical languages of India by the Republic of India. 
  • The Indian government announced in 2004 that languages might hold the title of “Classical Language” of India if they fulfilled a number of certain requirements.
  • It was established by the Linguistic Experts’ Committee and the Ministry of Culture.
  • The Indian government established a committee to examine requests for the designation of certain languages as classical. 

What is the significance of the Classical language of India?

  • According to a government of India resolution, issued on November 1, 2004, a language designated as a “Classical Language” will have the following significance:
  • Every year, two significant international awards are given to distinguished scholars of classical Indian languages.
  • The establishment of a Center of Excellence for Classical Language Studies.
  • The University Grants Commission will be asked to establish a specific number of Professional Chairs for Classical Languages for distinguished scholars of Classical Indian Languages, starting at least in the Central Universities.

What are the criteria for declaring the Classical language of India?

  • As per the Ministry of Culture, Classical language criteria are provided below:
  • Early texts or documented history of the language must be between 1500 and 2000 years old.
  • The language must have ancient literature or texts that its speakers value as part of their cultural legacy.
  • The language’s literary heritage needs to be original and not borrowed from another speech community.
  • There should be a possible discontinuity between the classical language and its later forms or derivatives, and the classical language and literature should be separate from its modern form.